Pet Members of the Lab

hanna's cat, daisy


Parent: Hanna

Hobbies: loud meowing, hiding, scampering away

hanna cat aurora


Parent: Hanna

Hobbies: stretching, licking human faces, looking cute

hanna cat benny


Parent: Hanna

Hobbies: eating, shedding, and purring

hanna cat dora


Parent: Hanna

Hobbies: being vigilant, snuggling with other cats, eating treats.

hanna cat


Parent: Hanna

Hobbies: nibbling on fingers, playing fetch, looking handsome



Margot the Flame Point Siamese

Parent: Anna

Godparents: the rest of the lab

Hobbies: sitting on laptop cases, watching Love Island (UK), biting ankles.



Parent: Robert

Hobbies: following dad around, playing with her toys, screaming at the birdies out the window



Parent: Anna (& Cole)

Hobbies: sleeping, getting her ears scratched, chewing on logs from the fireplace

Chubby hamster


Parent: Ben

Hobbies: eating, burrowing, running on his hamster wheel, exploring new places and being goofy

Check out Chubby's Youtube Channel

Sara Mitchell's dog, Wicket


Parent: Sara

Hobbies: long walks, sitting in the sun, chasing backyard critters, eating everything, making noise

Sara Mitchell's turtle, Hiccup


Parent: Sara

Hobbies: endless basking, platform diving, paddling about, snacking on river shrimp

Sara Mitchell's turtle Crimson


Parent: Sara

Hobbies: heat lamp lounging, eating loudly, speed racing, hiding in the heat box

Sara Mitchell's turtle, Clover


Parent: Sara

Hobbies: hanging out with Crimson, bath time frolicking, nibbling new foods, shell scratches

Nina's cat, Levo


Parent: Nina

Hobbies: hiding inside blankets, hiding under tables, yawning

Nina's cat, Angie


Parent: Nina

Hobbies: running around at midnight, eating treats, scratching the chair




picture of lab members at lab-lympics 2024

Figure 1. Members of the Stevens lab and Gumusoglu lab get together for the 2024 annual lab-lympics.

Lab-lympics is an annual summer tradition. Each summer, brave participants from the lab show off the skills they have spent all year honing. Who will be the fastest pipetter? Who has the best fine motor skills? Who will be the quickest at science calculations? Who knows the most science words? Most importantly: which country will bring home the all-around gold medal?



Wall of Champions:

2024: Keagan Kirkpatrick (from the Gumusoglu lab)

2023: Gloria Wu

2022: Anna Carver

2021: Ben Elser